Sunday, April 11, 2010

My Dream

Since the age of 7 years old,I was able to remember my dreams and I easily can tell the details.I used to write those dreams in papers and made images to bring out my visualization.I once had a dream when I was at elementary, about dark angel with black hood, circling my house and try to catch me.But he couldn't get inside,he couldn't even go over the fence.I can still feel the fear inside me,how that black shadow,without any face,waiting for the chance to catch me.I can describe it quite like a Dementor. But this dream is so long ago before the Rowling write any Potter's thing.But,since I was a kid,I never really concern about these.

When I was in High School,all of these dreams became even more extraordinary,I sometimes feel that these dreams could have make great ideas for Hollywood movies.One of the coolest was the dream when the earth is no longer have an atmosphere to protect it from the sun,so that humans create a substitution,some kind of fake atmosphere,made from steel,and it really fulfill all of the functions of the real one and it also generate fake sunshine and heat.Consequently,human kind will no longer have the chance to see and feel the real sunshine.In that dream,moment I remember was when it is the time to activate that fake veil,all the humans cried,because they will never ever gonna see the real sunshine,real sky and real stars.It was like very real for me.I remember my chest was hurt when I woke up.

After 2004,I began to dream about disasters especially Tsunamis about three or four times.But what I can remember very detailed was my two latest,because it attacked cities nearby.Some friends told me that those dreams were the manifestation of my hidden worries. I don't think so.

Once I had a dream about a movie star X,then I woke up,went to the bathroom and when I got back,I looked at TV as my brother watched E!,there She was,X!what I usually do is shake my head. So sometimes,it's so funny,when I dreamed of something,I just wait for the rest of the day to something happen exactly the same as I had dreamed that night.

09/04/2010 ... I had a dream about plane crashed.I witnessed it from a building top.It flew down,went up,circled twice,flew to my right side and went down,crashed.All of people surround the area ran to the crash point including me.As I ran,with so many people inarticulately cried, I found that,the crash point is side by side with the military cemetery,which at that time,held a ceremony,body transferring from that ordinary cemetery to better one.All of the families of the mortal remains are attending the ceremony.So it was so hectic,while the ambulance and paramedic tried to pull the victim from plane rubble,the military ceremony continued to be done.

Just now,11/04/2010, I received a news from a friend, that the aging Tupolev plane crashed in thick fog near Smolensk in western Russia on Saturday (10/04/10), killing all 97 people on board. Kaczynski had been planning to mark the 70th anniversary of the massacre of Polish officers by Soviet forces in a nearby forest.
It shook me,trembled inside,because of it's similarity,exactly inline with what I just dreamed the night before the accident.My dreams usually so Hollywood or very Armageddon.But this is for the first time,in my history of weird dreams,really comes to life.

I googled. I found this :
Prophetic dreams have been recorded throughout history, some by famous names such as Tuthmosis IV, an Egyptian Pharaoh; President Abraham Lincoln; and Edgar Cayce, "The Sleeping Prophet." Can dreams really predict the future? History and science have proved that the ability to sense or glimpse the future does exist, but they have yet to discover the how and why.

The Brain and Precognition

One of the problems science has encountered in trying to find proof that precognitive ability truly exists, is that in order to predict the future, one must somehow defy the concept of linear time. Albert Einstein theorized that the past, present, and future are all an illusion.

To understand this, one must also understand how the human brain works. The conscious mind seeks to compartmentalize information in a never-ending quest to have things in their nice, neat place. The subconscious mind, however, realizes that there are no boundaries, and reaches past the illusion of confinement and time.

Brain scans show that premonitions manifest from the portion of the brain that controls emotions. In someone more developed, the visual cortex may also become engaged and a person can receive more details of the vision. Recent studies have shown that creative individuals display higher accuracy rates in precognitive tests.
Frequency and Resonance

Some humans and animals are able to sense an earthquake before it happens. Scientists believe that the shifting of the Earth’s plates creates a frequency that the brain may sometimes be able to detect. The Earth normally resonates at a frequency of about 7.83 hertz. Someone in tune with the frequency could sense a disruption.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Now I Feel IT ...

Which one ?

Fight for your seemingly impossible dream ...
Chase for normal and ideal every other people purposes ...

So many hesitation and fear ..
I guess IT will not ever gonna work, yeah I guess so

Look like it is a whole lot easier to start doing something for the second one ...

Wasting My Time

My Goodness ...
Am I just wasting my time ....

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Untitled by Maliq & D'Essentials

Ketika, kurasakan sudah
Ada ruang di hatiku yang kau sentuh
Dan ketika, ku sadari sudah
Tak selalu indah cinta yang ada

Mungkin memang, ku yang harus mengerti
Bila ku bukan yang ingin kau miliki
Salahkah ku bila
Kau lah yang ada di hatiku

Adakah ku singgah di hatimu, mungkinkah kau rindukan adaku
Adakah ku sedikit di hatimu
Bila kah ku mengganggu harimu, mungkin kau tak inginkan adaku
Akankah ku sedikit di hatimu

Bila memang, ku yang harus mengerti
Mengapa cintamu tak dapat ku miliki
Salahkah ku bila
Kau lah yang ada di hatiku

Kau yang ada, di hatiku

Bila cinta kita tak kan tercipta
Ku hanya sekedar ingin tuk mengerti
Adakah diriku, oh singgah di hatimu
Dan bilakah kau tau, kau yang ada, di hatiku

Kau yang ada, di hatiku
Adakah ku, di hatimu

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Lumpuh ...
Ingin kugerakkan wajah ini tapi ku tak bisa ..
Kepalaku hanya bisa tertunduk diam
Menatap bayangan ..
yang buram ..
Air itu mengalir, dari mataku, pipi dan menetes di atas bayangan ..
Daging di dalam dada ini sakit
Saraf di tengkukku lemas
Ku menyerah ..

Ku angkat wajahku
Biarkan air hujan menerpa dan menghanyutkan air mataku
Ku angkat kedua tangan ke kanan dan kiri sejajar bahu
Ku tengadahkan kedua telapak tanganku
Ku menyerah ..

Ku menyerah Tuhanku ..
Sudahilah semua ...

Monday, February 1, 2010


Apakah kesalahan yang pernah aku lakukan ... sehingga Kau membiarkanku dalam kepedihan yang mendalam, Kau biarkan luka ini tetap terbuka dan menganga dan tak sedikitpun Kau berikan aku keringanan. Kau ambil satu-satunya harapan dan cinta yang aku punya, yang tak akan pernah aku tukarkan dengan apapun di dunia ini ...
Apakah kesalahan yang pernah aku lakukan ... sehingga Kau balas semua kesungguhanku dengan sakitnya dusta, Kau tukar kesetiaanku dengan pedihnya pengkhianatan, Kau ganti kekagumanku dengan perasaan terhina, tanpa sedikit pun nilai ...
Apakah kesalahan yang pernah aku lakukan ... sehingga tak pernah Kau berikan aku bahagia, tak Kau berikan cinta itu, tak Kau anugerahkan perasaan itu ...

Apakah kesalahan yang pernah aku lakukan ... sehingga Kau tidak memberikan keinginanku?
Apakah dia tidak baik untukku? Apakah ada yang Kau pikir jauh lebih mulia, yang akan memberikanku semua yang aku inginkan dan butuhkan? Apakah Kau begitu mencintaiku dan tidak ingin aku terluka? Apakah aku Kau uji?

Friday, January 29, 2010

Late at Night at Charles Bridge

Kumee membuka mata dan memicingkan pandangan melawan semburat sinar matahari yang lembut memasuki jendela hotel. Kumee melirik jam di meja, 07.42. Disini dia berada, terbangun dari tidur, semalam badannya sangat letih dan kepalanya sangat pening karena tidak terbiasa dengan penerbangan belasan jam. Kumee mengangkat badannya dan duduk di samping tempat tidur. Sensasi di hatinya masih belum hilang, emosi yang mengaduk-aduk isi perutnya, membuat sudut bibirnya sedikit terangkat dan tersenyum. Kumee tak sabar menunggu hari ini, menyeberangi setengahnya bumi untuk menemui satu-satunya cinta yang pernah dia temukan dalam hidupnya.


Langit begitu cokelat kelabu dan indah, mata Kumee menerawang jauh, memandang menara Old Town Hall dari balik tirai. Dalam pesan Kato di telepon genggamnya yang baru saja diterima, dia sengaja memilih kamar dengan view ini, karena tahu pasti Kumee akan sangat menyukainya. Benar Kato, dalam benaknya. Kato selalu memahami betapa Kumee sangat terobsesi dengan arsitektur dan kota tempat Kato berada adalah open air museum architecture dunia.

Kumee membalikkan badan dan berjalan menuju gaun terusan hitam yang sudah rapi disetrika. Kulit putih yang membalut badan Kumee tampak kontras dengan warna gaun itu pada saat Kumee memasukkan kakinya satu persatu ke dalam gaun tersebut, meliukkan tangannya dan bahunya dan menutup restleting di samping kanan badannya. Rambut ikalnya dia biarkan terurai, botol parfum dia angkat dengan tangan kanan dan disemprotkannya di leher, tengkuk, belahan dada dan pergelangan tangannya. Kumee menarik kursi dan duduk menghadap cermin. Berharap Kato akan tetap menyukai penampilannya. Usianya tidak muda lagi, kerutan karena usia sudah terlihat, meskipun sebagian orang tidak akan menyangka bahwa umurnya sudah pertengahan 30, karena wajahnya yang mungil dan jiwanya yang selalu muda.

Kumee melihat di seberang cermin, air matanya menggelayut, hatinya bergetar dan perutnya melilit, satu jam lagi pertemuan itu, dia tidak bisa membedakan apakah itu ekpresi kebahagiaan bahwa kesedihannya selama ini akan berakhir ataukah emosi yang terlalu mengguncang, kesal dan sedih, kenapa baru kali ini Tuhan menghendaki semua ini terjadi, setelah sepuluh tahun menunggu.


Genggaman tangan Kato masih sangat lembut dan mendamaikan, pikir Kumee dalam hati. Walaupun justru waktu lebih banyak merubah penampilan Kato, tapi Kumee masih bisa melihat jiwa yang lama dari tatapan matanya yang dalam. Ubannya makin banyak menghiasi rambutnya yang mulai jarang, badannya yang cukup kekar dan tinggi kini sudah mulai dipengaruhi usia tapi tetap bisa memberi kenyamanan di hati Kumee. Sifatnya yang memang jarang bisa bicara membuat hati Kumee makin berdebar dan penasaran, apa yang ada dalam pikiran pria itu.

Jalan berbatu di Charles Bridge tampak lengang, udara sangat dingin sehingga Kato mulai merapatkan badannya dan memeluk lebih erat Kumee dengan sebelah tangannya. Tak banyak yang mereka katakan, semuanya hanya mereka rasakan sambil menikmati pemandangan bangunan-bangunan klasik di kejauhan Praha, deretan lampu-lampu cantik menghiasi jembatan dan megahnya bridge tower di ujung jembatan.

Kato menghentikan langkahnya dan meminta Kumee menemaninya menikmati pemandangan sungai Vltava. Senyuman manisnya masih seperti dulu, membuat lumer hati Kumee dan membuat Kumee menitikkan air mata.

"Lho? Kumee kenapaa ? ...

" Gapapa Kato, Kumee sedih aja ..."

" Ga pengen ada disini sama Kato yaa ? "

" Ga mungkin kaya gitu ..."

" Terus ...? Kenapa Kumee nangis ?"

" karena Kumee sayang Kato banget "

" Kumee, Kato sayang Kumee juga "

" Katoo, lupa yah ? Jangan pake juga "

" Iyaa Sayang, maafin. Kato sayang Kumee banget. Kumee, stay here sama Kato ya "

" Uhmm, Kato yakin ? "

" Uhmm, kalau Kumeenya mau "

" Selama ini pernah nolak Kato ga?"

" Engga pernah ..., jadi jawabannya mau ? "

Kumee mengangguk ...

" Makasih ya Kumee "

" Makasih juga ya Kato "

Kumee memeluk Kato dengan erat dan menyerah dalam balasan pelukan Kato yang lebih erat.

Friday, January 22, 2010

It's just me, my happiness

Some people say it's about the money that you make, the house you live in or cars you ride. Some also say it's your job, career, how many businesses you have or how famous you are. Many of my friends said that it's about family they build, husbands, wives or cute children they have. Younger friends said it's the existence among friends, countries they've visited or wild experiences they've ever done in their life.

Mary, a friend of mine who blessed with two cute kids in her late 20's, complained about her boring and overwhelming life. She and her working husband are struggling to raise their growing kids and nearly have no time for themselves. She envy her friends who still hanging out late at nights or chasing for post graduate degree or simply just doing their hobbies. She is not happy.

John, barely know him. He's a man some girls might dream. He has everything, no need to mention each of them. He travels a lot, Europe and all exotic countries in South, for him, money has never been a problem. But he was there, sit with me, had cups of coffee, talked about family he's always dream of. It seemed that everything he do in his life would've more enjoyable if he had a wife and a son of his dream.

A few months ago, I met Cynthia, my best friend, oh I envy her style, she always amaze me. She got the look and also brain. She lives in a big city of Manhattan, with big career and big opportunities to grow bigger. She marry a rich man ... I mean, she once ever wanted. She was driving her Porsche when she told me she never loved him. She marry him because her parent made her. So what in the world is happening in to sacred marriage and live happily ever after?

I watched E! and so many celebrities had their privacy extremely violated by the paparazzis and they had limitation to express what and who they really are because of it. Then I think they're not free happy people then.

Here I am, try to impress my family, my friends and my boy friend about how good I am in acting but I still haven't got important role in every audition I have ever took. I thought if I had one and maybe I will make so much money from it, walk in the red carpet and make them proud. My high school friends will excitedly open the year book to tell their friends that I was their classmate and wasn't so fancy as I am now. I thought I'd be very very happy.


Flash in my head ...
God had given me so many things I need.
I know that HAPPINESS is here, deep inside my heart ...
I now realized that HAPPINESS is an attitude, most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be
I will never be happy if I continue to search for what happiness consists of. I will never live if I am looking for the meaning of life.

Because I'm happy, I love my family, my friends and my LOVE one. Now I know that success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. I know I must be happy to ACT so the passion will bring me to the top.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Black Stallion

Strong and consistent,
Black in skin color and has a shiny hair,
Very beautiful

Dependable and lovable,
Carry himself with an elegant attitude,
Silent but commanding

An excellent partner, willing his energy to help,
Good companion, source of pleasure and inspiration,
Carried dreams and walk bravely through storm

Wanna ride with him,
Black stallion ...

Too Much Inside a Human Body

Kelenjar itu menggeliat, menggenjot, terengah-engah
Hormon itu keluar, mengalir, deras ke sekujur tubuh
Meluap, menggelora dan memacu jantung
Membakar dan menggerus

Pori-pori mulai bersekresi
Jemari bergetar, nafas memburu
Emosi bergejolak
Terlalu banyak, melimpah ruah
Membuat daging tipis

Hyper Hormone ...

"Hyperthyroidism is the term for overactive tissue within the thyroid gland, resulting in overproduction and thus an excess of circulating free thyroid hormones: thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), or both. Thyroid hormone is important at a cellular level, affecting nearly every type of tissue in the body.

Thyroid hormone functions as a stimulus to metabolism and is critical to normal function of the cell. In excess, it both overstimulates metabolism and exacerbates the effect of the sympathetic nervous system, causing "speeding up" of various body systems and symptoms resembling an overdose of epinephrine (adrenaline). These include fast heart beat and symptoms of palpitations, nervous system tremor and anxiety symptoms, digestive system hypermotility (diarrhea), and weight loss"

(taken from Wiki)

dan mereka berkata .....

Apa lagi yang aku cari yah sekarang ? kan tinggal ketenangan ....pengen rasanya ada yang nungguin pas pulang kerja

Buat gue sih, istri itu tinggal di rumah aja, masak dan ngurus anak, biar gue yang cari nafkah

Gimana yah? aku mesti tetep baik sama dia ga? dia agresif banget, aku pusing ....

Gue juga bingung tiap kali dia ngajak jalan, gue tetep inget sama luuu ...

Aku siih pendengar yang baik, aku seneng denger pacar aku ngomong, makanya mudah-mudahan cepet punya pacar lagi

Gapapa kan nganter pulang? pengen tahu aja ada berapa tukang bubur yang ada di jalan dari sini ampe sana ....

Coba ... apa lagi siy yang kamu cari? sama aku aja, mau ga?

Katanya, kalau udah di atas umur 30, sudah rawan untuk melahirkan ...

Hmm, sebenernya sudah lama ingin aku utarakan, cuman pengen nunggu waktu yang tepat

Sekarang gue udah naik level, tunjangan buat keluarga, kesehatan, anak, istri melahirkan dan lain-lain, alhamdulillah udah dapet. Eh, ada waktu ga? jalan yuk ...

Tidak Bisa ....

Haruskah aku perjelas ..
Bahwa masa lalu, masa kita masih sangat muda .. itu berbeda ...
Dan percayalah, segala sesuatu dengan cepat berubah,
Hanya Tuhan yang berkuasa jika Dia tidak menghendaki sesuatu untuk berubah

Aku tahu ini menyakitkan, bahwa aku tidak bisa
Dan akan lebih menyakitkan bagimu jika aku berpura-pura,
Bahwa perasaanku tetap sama

Aku tahu kamu menyesal,
Aku pun tahu waktu itu semua berbayang
Kita masih sangat muda ...
Egois tapi tidak percaya diri

Aku mengerti keputusanmu dulu,
dan aku tidak akan menggugat,
Semua demi jalan kehidupan yang telah ditentukan

Disini, saat ini, walaupun deras air matamu mengalir,
Hentikan itu, karena aku tetap tidak bisa ..
Tidak bisa ......

The "S" Word

Once said that the best thing is Marry the Right Person ....
and the second best is just being Single ....

The worst one is Marry the Wrong Person ..